Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Yep, still here...barely.

What is that saying about plans and contact with the enemy?

Yeah, well, I have wanted to get back to posting regularly here, but life has had its seriously unfunny occurrences which have taken the wind out of my sails a bit.

I won't go into details, but I have had to endure, and will continue to do so for a while, a serious personal tragedy which has had more of an effect on me that I would like to admit.

On the other hand, I have been gaming with my closest friends on a near weekly basis, but have avoided the club games for about six months. I plan on going back to the club event this weekend and check up with my mates there.

I did attend Kubla-Con last May, and intend to go again. I ran several demonstration games of Blucher, but I am not sure what I might do this year.

I was just accepted into the Master of Arts in Military History program at Norwich University in Vermont. It is a distance learning program of 18-24 months, but I expect to take the 24 month track as I want to do a thesis for it. Before I enlisted in the USMC, I had given real consideration to attending Norwich as an undergrad, but I simply could not afford to do so.

Now, I still cannot afford the program, but I cannot afford to not do the program, not without giving up other career dreams and goals. I should be starting once my financial aid clears, either this March or perhaps in June. I look forward to the readings and getting the work completed.

My camera is kaput, todt, gone the way of the dodo bird. I need to get myself a new one for online imagery.

I have been purchasing miniatures, miniature rules, and boardgames throughout the last two years. I will be doing some commentaries and limited reviews in the near future as well as show what I am currently working towards.

As my painting area is severely limited, as is my time, I have been paying a friend to paint my miniatures. He needs the cash and I need painted miniatures. This is not my preferred way of doing things, but it is what I can do at this time. Maybe I can get back to painting my own stuff in a couple of years.

Until the next time...and may that be sooner than 10 months from now.



  1. Yes indeed, welcome back Justin, glad to hear you're still around and have been gaming, sounds like more than I have! As for your camera, I wouldn't bother, just get yourself a half decent mobile with a decent camera on it, works wonders for me!

    1. I am not really into mobile phones, tbh. This is from working in telesales for Games Workshop and another gaming distributor. Thus my phone is fairly bare bones.

      I do photography as a hobby, but I prefer film, which is unfortunately not all that great for taking pictures of current gaming.
