I do not want to come off as being a shill for Wargames Factory as I do not have a horse in that race, but I do like to give credit where credit is due. Thus, I am linking http://www.wargamesfactory.com/ because of the bases (which are far cheaper than the GW bases I normally use) and http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150191828876059&set=a.376444226058.165520.334302786058&type=1&theater which are pics of the heads of their upcoming Greek/Spartan plastic infantry.
These guys (WGF or WF) are making this hobby affordable again. No longer do we in the US have to pay exorbitant shipping charges on top of a lopsided exchange rate for UK manufactured plastic and metal miniatures. Now, I do like much of what is produced in the UK, but I simply cannot afford to build armies with models produced there.
Enter Wargames Factory, who have really turned things around for American miniature gamers who have to survive on a limited budget.
I really hope to soon paint the WSS models that I assembled this week, it became so windy for three days that I could not prime the models (I never prime them inside the house...bad bad bad). However, I now have six 12 figure battalions primed and ready to be painted. I have two more battalions assembled and am down to the last battalion out of the three original boxes. I am trying to decide whether I want to make these lads grenadiers or to make them militia, using the floppy hats. I need to get a different size base for all of these, as 2"x2" just won't work for playing with the other guys in the club.
Nothing wrong with promoting good information that helps save a buck.
ReplyDeletePlastic is the new metal, if I ever do get a new 25mm army,(which I probably won't), I'll go for plastic, it's just so much more cheaper than metal.